The links to external pages that may be of interest to you have been carefully selected. However, we cannot accept liability for the accuracy of the information provided on these pages because we do not exert any influence on the design and the content of them.
We work for you with hotel software from UB-Soft
Landhaus Balkhausen
Rainer Freiburg
(responsible for the content in the sense of art. 6 of the German Interstate Agreement on Media Services(§ 6 MDStV))
Balkhausenweg 3
53520 Nürburg
Phone +49 (0) 2691 7625
Some pitures by Dominik Ketz
Website prepared by
Internet- und Mediendesign
Beatrix C. Speicher
Hohlweg 4
53520 Meuspath
Phone: +49 (0) 2691 2563
The links to external pages that may be of interest to you have been carefully selected. However, we cannot accept liability for the accuracy of the information provided on these pages because we do not exert any influence on the design and the content of them.
We work for you with hotel software from UB-Soft